
Watch These Kids Find A Way To Ease World Hunger In Under 2 Minutes

If only the world would approach hunger like two kids at a kitchen table.

In a social experiment by advocacy group Action Against Hunger, 20 children paired off in groups were told to wait near plates with serving covers over them. A woman told the children she’d be gone for five minutes in order to fetch a tardy photographer. The children were also told they could lift up the serving covers on the count of three.

With each pair of kids, one was provided with a sandwich, while the other had an empty plate. Every child who was given the snack, however, offered to share it.

The PSA — which was produced in Madrid and released in 2012, but recently resurfaced online — reminds viewers it’s unacceptable that any child should have an empty belly.

“In a world that produces more than enough food to feed everyone, 3.5 million children still die from hunger every year,” the video reads. “We should learn from them and share, too.”

Globally, hunger kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined, according to the World Food Program. About 66 million primary school-aged kids go to school hungry throughout the developing world, a report from the group found in 2012, and 23 million of them can be found in Africa.

But Americans don’t need to cross an ocean to witness the effects of child hunger. A recent report by No Kid Hungry discovered the vast majority of U.S. public school teachers — 76 percent — said students regularly attend class hungry.

Despite a dire need for progress, however, the world has made significant strides in tackling hunger.

A report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) found that about 805 million people were chronically undernourished between 2012 and 2014 — down more than 100 million over the last decade.

The problem is getting smaller,” Josef Schmidhuber, FAO economist, told National Geographic. “It’s good news, but we have always had a more ambitious target.”

H/T Faith It

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