
Lil John Opens Primary School in Ghana

Rapper Lil Jon spent last week opening a primary school in the Asuogyaman District in eastern Ghana.

The rapper, who’s real name is Johnathan Smith, raised money for the kindergarten school earlier this year in conjunction with Pencils of Promise, a program designed to give children around the world quality education.  Smith partnered with the organization to open the school in Abomayaw  in memory and honor of his mother, Carrie M. Smith.

Students in that community have been “taught in unfavorable learning conditions. Kindergarten students are learning in open pavilions with unfinished walls and dirt floors, and without formal doors or windows.” according to Pencils of Promise.

The three-unit school, which will also have an ancillary office and washroom facilities. According to PoP’s website, the school will impact hundreds of students  over the lifetime of the school.

In addition to the new kindergarten classrooms, repairs will be made and windows fitted to the primary students’ classrooms, providing the students with more light during class hours and better ventilation. The Abomayaw community committed to providing up to 20 percent of the labor and resources needed to complete  construction.

Lil Jon is also helping build a second school in Ghana.

SOURCE: Atlanta Journal Constitution



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